Top Interview Follow-up email tips From a Recruiter

If you don’t get a response to your emails, follow up one last time. Most recruiters aren’t ignoring you on purpose. They’re genuinely busy and your email has likely slipped their mind. As long as you are gracious and polite rather than pushy, these follow-up emails are simple indications of your interest and goodwill.

Here are some additional interview follow-up tips you should consider when writing your own:

  • If there’s something you forgot to say or want to elaborate on from your interview, this email is a great place to mention it.

  • Send your interview follow-up email within 24 hours.

  • Start with the name of the person who interviewed you. Use their first name if you are on a first-name basis. If not, include both their first and last name.

  • Choose an appropriate length. More concise is appropriate for most cases.

  • Close the letter with your name and contact information, including your phone number and your email.

  • Carefully proofread before you hit send. As with everything else you’ve sent to potential employers, give your follow-up a final edit before you send it.


Post Interview Follow-Up Email Samples


The importance of following up after an Interview