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Rethinking Career Growth: Success Isn’t Always a Straight Line

Something about the start of a new year sparks reflection. It’s a natural time to take stock of where you are in your career, what you’ve accomplished, and where you want to go next. And often, that reflection comes with an inner voice whispering—or sometimes shouting—I should be further along by now.

But career growth isn’t always linear, and it certainly isn’t a race. The most successful people don’t just follow a straight, predictable path; they pivot, take strategic detours, step sideways into new opportunities, and sometimes even take a step back to propel themselves forward in a more meaningful way. Progress isn’t just about climbing a ladder—it’s about expanding your skills, deepening your expertise, and aligning your work with what truly excites and fulfills you.

So instead of measuring success by job titles alone, ask yourself: What have I learned? How have my skills evolved? What challenges have helped me grow? Am I moving toward work that feels purposeful? Sometimes, the best career moves aren’t the most obvious ones. Growth can come from unexpected places, unconventional choices, and opportunities that stretch you in ways you never anticipated.

The key is to stay open—to new experiences, new directions, and the possibility that the best is still ahead.